Sunday, June 15, 2008


just as i have been blessed to have many amazing mothers in my life, i have also been blessed with some truly fantastic fathers.
my dad is my dad, and we are a lot alike in a lot of ways. i look just like him. we have the same sense of humor and the same stubbornness and the same love for spicy food and tabasco.
my step-dad is patient and kind and he makes my mommy so happy. i couldn't possibly begin to thank him enough for that.
my father-in-law has been so warm and welcoming since the very first time i met him. he always has a story to tell or a good piece of advice for every situation.
i have also been blessed with some really wonderful grandfathers in my life: my grandpa w., my keepaw d., my step-grandad, and my gran'pa-in-law. these are the men who taught my dads how to be men (and how to be dads).

happy fathers' day!

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