Friday, February 1, 2008


well i'm pretty sure january was like the looooooongest month ever. gray. cold. a constant struggle for the survival of my sanity and my happiness. so i for one am incredibly thankful that it is finally february! happy february to all of you!

things i love about february:

1. it's not january.
2. aquarians. and pisces-es. so many of my most favoritest people were born in february!
3. the superbowl! (btw i am a part-time giants fan this weekend!)
4. the pro bowl!
5. mardi gras. never been, don't ever want to go, but if it has to do with new orleans i love it.
6. valentine's day. (awwww)

other random things about february:

1. american heart month (today is national wear red day! did you wear red??)
2. black history month
3. library lovers month (omg!)
4. pet dental health month (what?)
5. groundhog day (tomorrow)
6. presidents' day (2/18)


Tarpon Rick said...

Hey! You forgot it was the month your ma and i got married, otherwise you wouldn't be writing this blog! She wanted to get married before she turned thirty, hence the wedding occurred the day before her 30th birthday! LOL
Go Giants!

pink jellybaby said...

It's just so much better than January...that's all it needs to be to make it good!